This is like my third free write and I have like nothing left to write about. I’ll just have to use my emergency thinker. Is cereal a soup? It’s not warm but warm cereal is gross. A country’s national anthem is like its theme song. Guess what, 5 minute crafts and life hacks don’t exist. There is no happiness, there are no rainbows, there is no Santa. Life sucks. especially when sch00L forces you to memorize information that you’ll probably never use, then test you on how well you can remember it. Do crabs think fish can fly? The only way to know that you were sleeping is for you to wake up. You have no idea what you do when you’re unconscious. You sleep for 1/3 of your life. We have to charge for one-third of our life. Were horrible batteries. What if plants are farming us for our Co2. Everyone breaths and produces Co2 which plants need to produce oxygen so if anyone calls you useless just now that you’re helping them survive just by existing. Every time you read a book you’re staring at a dead tree and hallucinating. Every book ever is just a remake of the dictionary. If you touch your phone in just the right places then someone comes and brings you pizza. There’s a series of actions you could do that could make you a millionaire in just one day. You just don’t know what they are. It’s impossible to count to one billion. It would take 39 1/2 years. That’s one billion seconds. But you can’t really say 1123535 in one second. Why does bread go into the toaster as a slice and come out as a piece? Short, shorter, and shortest are just the long, longer, and longest versions of saying short. English makes me want to light my house on fire. Wait nothing is really on fire, it’s the fire that’s on things. But don’t worry you can put out the fire by putting the right things on fire. 😉