So obviously, the worst part is getting up so early. It literally sucks like a straw. High school kids get up later than us. kindergarteners do too. Maybe this encourages us to go to bed early so we can get up early, you know, early to bed, early to rise. But usually, I stay up till 11:00 PM doing random crap, wake up, and complain that schools don’t give is enough sleep. Secondly, it’s kind of a huge change from elementary to middle school. I remember my first few days of middle school were the hardest. lastly, the bus is probably the second most annoying part of my day. Don’t even get me started on that. I’m still peeved. Okay, so this year we got a new bus driver cause the kids on my bus hated our bus driver, and he hated us, rightfully so. The kids on our bus would swear, Blast rap music, throw open milk cartons, and chuck food out the window at cars. The usual. Our bus driver (who we called randy) one day near the end of the school year, gleefully came on the bus that day, and we all knew something was up. Randy told us that the next year he was quitting. Everyone shouted for joy, even him. So this year our new bus driver also disliked us. Naturally. So he tried to have the kids in the back behave by giving rewards. One day he said we did so good that he was getting us donuts. He did. That man was way too nice. The guys in the back took 3 boxes of the donuts and left us with none. It sucked. Anyway, for the pros, I can’t really think of any. I guess you get to meet a lot of new people. You also get the opportunity to join clubs and sports. That’s about all.