That’s right you read the title of this post. This is the guide on how to make the perfect sandwich. This is it fam. Now, I’m sure you’ve made a sandwich of some sort before. (Not to brag, but I can make a mean gummy worm and Nutella sandwich.) You get out your wheat bread because the whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead. Then put cheese, ham, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, mustard, mayo (if you want to be that guy), onions, eggs, carrots, marshmallows, sushi, jam, peanut butter, soy sauce, raw flour, white chocolate chips, a French fry off the ground from McDonald’s, a chicken nugget, chocolate milk, and spinach if you want to be like Harris. Now slap that greasy pig in the oven, and you have the average American sandwich. This might sound pretty good to some screw-up like you. But for the perfect sandwich, you need real ingredients and experience. Stonks of it. First of all, you need the bread. Not just any bread that you found in some dark-back alley of Costco. You need the good stuff. My suggestion would be for you to go to the ocean mart. They have some pretty dope bread there. Also, want to know why people in China don’t believe in Santa? It’s because they’re too busy making the toys. Anyway, ham and meat you want to add some Boomshakalaka. Go to Costco and get lunch meat, then put Smith’s lettuce on cause why not. Honestly just make a PB ‘n J sandwich.